10 Wardrobe Basics for Men

basics copy1. A LIGHT BLUE BUTTON DOWN. For office workers, a formal button down will match different coloured suits and can also be worn with more casual pants than what a white shirt can get away this. Try something like this. This shirt will come in handy in any man’s closet but if you prefer more casual materials, choose a light blue chambray button down like this one.

2. A DARK TONED CREW NECK is incredibly versatile. One like this or this would be easy to pair. However, if you typically gravitate towards dark blue jeans or chinos, opt for grey or beige so that you have a larger number of possible outfits.

3. BROWN LEATHER SHOES. These should be appropriate for the level of formality you may be required to adhere too. Maybe opt for traditional lace ups like these or these, or if you prefer a more youthful look, chukka boots would also be a versatile option.

4. A LIGHT PAIR OF SNEAKERS. White ones like these or these may be a good choice as they are less likely than a darker pair to be the same colour as your pants.Screen Shot 2017-05-17 at 3.58.39 pm

5. A SIMPLE WHITE T-SHIRT like this can be incorporated into anyones wardrobe. If you prefer a different colour and do not find that white flatters you, try off-white or a light grey.

6. A BEIGE PAIR OF CHINOS or a different variety of trousers are an item that can be worn very casually but also dressed up to be appropriate enough for slightly more formal occasions. To ensure that your chinos are appropriate also for semi formal wear, choose a slim fit like these.

7. A DARK WASH PAIR OF DENIM  or an equivalent pair of pants. Choose either navy, black, or grey.

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8. A VERSATILE LEATHER BELT. This should not be a formal style unless your everyday wear requires so. Instead, pick something simple enough that will not seem out of place in a semiformal setting but can still be worn daily. Brown is a good option if you opt for brown shoes, however black is appropriate too if you would prefer. Make sure the colour of the hardware matches your watch, bag or jewellery, unless you are comfortable mixing metals.

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9. A HIP LENGTH JACKET. This length is perfect for everyday wear and will not shorten a person like a longer jacket can. Try to avoid one in a colour that is similar to your denim or other trousers. A deep green or red jacket like this one should not conflict with other pieces.

10. A LIGHT PAIR OF SHORTS in a colour that is different from tops that you commonly wear, so that they will match with a large variety of items. Choose a pair that finish slightly above the knee and have belt loops so that they can be worn with a belt for a more polished look. Beige, navy and grey are all good choices.Screen Shot 2017-05-17 at 4.01.56 pm

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